
Vilkår og betingelser

Vilkår for Adventure MC Tours (AMT).

Vilkårene er en del av avtalen mellom deltaker og AMT og regnes for akseptert når første del av tur/treff/kurs er betalt.

Deltakeren må delta med gyldig førerkort.

Deltakeren må delta med forsikret kjøretøy.
Deltakeren må delta med reiseforsikring som dekker ulykker, sykdom eller annet som kan føre til kostnader utover kjøretøyets egenforsikring og ansvar. Dette gjelder også eventuell hjemtransport av kjøretøy og personlig utstyr.

Deltakeren må selv påregne å transportere personlig utstyr og bagasje på arrangement som krever dette.

Deltakeren må selv vurdere og medbringe funksjonelt sikkerhetsutstyr og bekledning for arrangementets egenart. Våre pakkelister er kun ment som forslag og råd.

Deltakeren skal til enhver tid rette seg etter turleder og andre fra AMT sine instrukser som kan påvirke sikkerhet for noen av deltakerne.

Bestilling skjer via AMT sin hjemmeside eller eventuelt hos tredjepart dersom dette fremkommer av informasjon fra AMT.
Bestilling anses som bindende for begge parter når første betaling er gjennomført.
Bestilling som ikke bekreftes av AMT anses ikke som bindende før bekreftelse er meddelt skriftlig.

Bestillinger med krav om depositum vil medføre fratrekk av depositum når siste betaling finner sted.

Depositum (vanligvis 3000 NOK) blir normalt ikke tilbakebetalt ved avbestilling senere enn 60 dager før arrangement.
Depositum blir tilbakebetalt i sin helhet ved avlysning.

Endelig betaling gjøres i enkelte tilfeller uten bruk av depositum ved beløp under 3000 NOK, eller ved mindre enn 30 dager til arrangement.

Avbestilling tidligere enn 60 dager før arrangement medfører ingen kostnader for deltaker.

Avbestilling mellom 30 og 60 dager før arrangement medfører 50 % tilbakebetaling av totalsum.

Avbestilling senere enn 30 dager før arrangement medfører ingen tilbakebetaling av innbetalt beløp.

AMT er ikke ansvarlig for andre kostnader enn det som er inkludert i arrangementets pris. Dette gjelder for eksempel transportutgifter, måltider med mer i forbindelse med arrangementet.
AMT benytter både bilder og film på sosiale medier, på hjemmesiden og i annen markedsføring. Deltaker/kunde må selv opplyse AMT dersom de ikke ønsker bilder av dem eller kjøretøy skal publiseres.

AMT vil alltid gjøre sitt ytterste for å hjelpe kunder ved trafikkuhell eller personskade, men oppfordrer allikevel alle til selv å ha dekkende forsikringer om noe skulle oppstå.

Deltakeren må selv transportere egen bagasje om ikke annet er oppgitt i turinformasjonen.

Deltakeren må selv medbringe enkelt verktøy for små reparasjoner og punktering på egen MC.


Terms of Adventure MC Tours of Norway
The terms are part of the agreement between the participant and the organizer (hereinafter AMT) and are accepted once the deposit of the journey/course/event is paid.

Travel Terms & Conditions
The participant must possess a valid driving licence for the motorcycle he/she uses during the trip.
The participant must have valid insurance in case of any accident, illness, and other things that may cause additional costs in Norway. This also applies to eventual home transport of participant and/or the participant’s motorcycle and equipment.
The participant must dispose of his/her own motorcycle, which is suitable for driving long distances on gravel roads, and which is able to carry the participant’s personal equipment.
The participant must dispose of and be able to use required safety equipment for driving a motorcycle.
The participant is responsible for bringing sufficient clothing and equipment suitable for the trip’s character. The packing list on the homepage is just a suggestion and recommendation for the participant.
The participant must comply at all times with the instructions and rules issued by the tour operator or others working on behalf of AMT during the journey.

The booking is regarded binding once the deposit is paid.
All trips can only take a limited number of participants. Invoice for the deposit will be issued only to those who register in the booking link of our home page. Bookings by mail or SMS are only accepted if there are available spaces for the trip, because mails and SMS are read by the tour operator.

The traveller must, on certain events, pay a deposit in order to be considered enrolled and have the right of a space for the trip. If the deposit is not received by the deposit due date the space can be given to others.
The deposit will be deducted from the total cost when final payment is due.
Deposit must be paid if you book earlier than 60 days before departure.
The deposit is normally non-refundable by AMT.

Final Payment
Final payment (total cost minus the deposit) must be paid within the due date.
Payment in full is required should booking take place later than 60 days prior to the departure date.

Booking Cancellation
Cancellation earlier than 60 days before departure: The payment will be refunded with exception of the deposit.
Cancellation 30-60 days prior to the departure: 50% of the total sum is refunded.
Cancellation later than 30 days before departure: No refund is given.

Other Expenses
AMT is not in any way responsible for payments of expenses to other parties in connection with the journey, for example expenses for ferries, accommodations not included in the price, purchases of equipment for the trip, etc.
The participant is responsible for complying with current traffic regulations and must take the consequences for any violation of them.

Travel Cancellation
Should the trip be cancelled for any reason, 100% of what is paid to AMT will be refunded.
AMT is in no way to be held responsible for expenses paid to other parties that are mentioned under “Other Expenses”.
AMT is obliged to inform the participant of any cancellation as early as possible – normally earlier than 30 days prior to departure date.
AMT is a member of the Reisegarantifondet (the Travel Guaranty Fund). See the last point of this document.
Transfer of Booking
The participant has the right to transfer the booking to someone else who fulfils the travel terms and conditions.
AMT must be informed of this transfer in reasonable time prior to the departure date.
The transfer involves a fee of NOK 1,000, which will be invoiced to the first registered participant. New participant cannot take part before this fee is paid.
Contact with any other parties in connection with transfers and changes must be provided by the participant himself.

Any complaint claiming reduction in price or compensation must be notified to AMT within 30 days of the trip completion. Any twists are solved in accordance with Norwegian law, “Pakkereiselovens kap. 10” (the law of package tours, chapter 10).

Use of Pictures and Videos
AMT uses both pictures and videos in advertising, and also on Facebook, Homepage, etc. Participants must themselves request that such material where they can be identified cannot be used in those connections.

Special Conditions
Travels with AMT mostly take place outside urban areas and with the nature as destination. This may involve conditions that AMT cannot control, for example weather conditions, natural phenomenon, and animals/insects. In addition, accommodation facilities are typical for Norwegian outdoor life and may not always offer the facilities many people are used to in their everyday life. AMT will always aim to do their best for the participants’ welfare, but must ask for the participants’ understanding concerning the above-mentioned conditions.
Nevertheless, the participants will always have access to clean water, accommodation, and adequate access to food – even to meals not included in the price. There will also be regular opportunities for refuelling. AMT will carry additional equipment, supplies, and fuel. Participants will not be assigned additional equipment during the trip that will require significant storage space. AMT will also carry tools for simple repairs like mending flat tires, etc, but the participants should themselves carry necessary equipment to be as self-reliant as possible.
AMT will try their best to help the participants in cases of engine failure, but cannot guarantee the possibilities of finding a rental motorcycle for the rest of the trip. The reason for this is that we shall be far from MC-dealers most of the time.
The AMT concept implies that the participants will not get detailed itinerary ahead of the trip. The itinerary will be disclosed upon arrival the first day – and in some cases at the beginning of each day. AMT may change the route along the way if necessary, and if this is considered best for the group.

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